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WELCOME TO Archeon Museum Park

Archeon contains 43 reconstructions of buildings, farms and huts that once stood in the Netherlands and that have been reconstructed according to archaeological excavations. Our Archaeo-interpreters live in these houses and thus show life from prehistory, Roman times and the Middle Ages. In original clothing they tell beautiful stories from history. Discover and experience this journey through time!
Pannenkoeken huis het Klooster (42)
10.00 – 19.00 uur.

Romeinse Herberg (24)
11.00 uur – 18.00 uur.

Tocht door de prehistorie & word een echte jager (schminken)
10.00-16.00 uur

Kei trekken (5a)
10.00-16.00 uu

Vuur maken (9)
 10.00-16.00 uur

Tocht door de Romeinse tijd & exerceren als een Romein
12.00 & 13.30 uur

Tocht door de middeleeuwen – Visser (27)

Boogschieten – Veld (36)
11.00-12.00/12.30-16.30 uu

Zwaardvechten – Dam (32)
11.00-12.30/13.00-16.30 uu

Daily program 


8800 BC – 12 BC Join us on a journey, very far back in time to the camp of the hunter-gatherers, the first farmers, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
  • Prehistorie 3
  • Prehistorie 4
  • Prehistorie 5
  • Prehistorie 7
  • Become a True Hunter: 10 am-4 pm – Hunter Gatherers (1)
  • Dug-out canoe: 10 am-4 pm – Hunter Gatherers (1)
  • Boulder Pulling: 10 am-4 pm – Megalithic (5a)
  • Make a fire: 10 am-4 pm – Iron Age (9)

Guided Tour: Starts 2.30 pm at Hunters Gatherers (1)

Roman Era

12 BC – 406 AD Visit the Roman border village of Trajectum ad Rhenum, and meet the Romans.

  • Romeinen 1
  • Romeinen 3
  • Romeinen 6
  • Romeinen 5

  • Drill with the soldiers: 11.30 am, 1 pm and 2.30 pm – Forum (16)
  • Roman massage: 11 am-3 pm/4-4.30 pm – Bath house (22) 

Guided Tour: Starts 12.30 & 4 pm at Forum (16)

At the Roman Restoration Yard (22a) you can see the restoration of the Zwammerdam 2, which is being restored live here.

Middle Ages

406 AD – 1500 AD In the medieval town of Gravendam you live in the 14th century. The Archaeo-interpreters who live and work in the houses tell you all about the Middle Ages and of course about the many crafts.

  • Middeleeuwen 8
  • Middeleeuwen 6
  • Middeleeuwen 4
  • Middeleeuwen 3

  • Archery: 11 am-12 pm/12.30 pm-5 pm Archery Range (36)
  • Sword fighting: 11 am – 12.30 pm/1 pm-5 pm – Dam (32)

Guided Tour: Starts 12 & 4.15 pm at the Armory (34)

Activity pass

Make your own souvenir!
  • Bread on a stick: 10 am-4 pm – First Farmers (3)
  • Fibula making: 10.30 am-3 pm/4-4.30 pm – Bath house (22)
  • Making a candle: 11 am-5 pm – Bee keeper (28)
  • Felt a bracelet: 11 am-5 pm – Pot Merchant (47)


Be amazed during our shows

Tempel Ceremony – 3 pm at the Tempel (15)

Gladiator Show – 3.30 pm at the Arena (23)

Roman Inn ‘Trajana’ (24)

Please order before 5 pm
In the buffet restaurant the Roman Inn: delicious coffee, tea with delicacies, Roman apple pie with honey nut sauce and cream, bread with various fillings, Garrison soup, Italian pizza and more.

Medieval Pancake Monastery (42)

Please order before 7 pm
Delicious monastery pancakes according to Dutch top-chef Pierre Wind’s recipe.

Expedition Archeon

The most enjoyable holiday 4/5 days at Archeon

Spectacular 4 or 5 day stay in Archeon in a spacious four-person lodge tent. Discover and experience history with Hunters, Romans and Medieval. Top holiday: everything is taken care of including daily breakfast, 2x dinner. Each lodge has its own privat bathroom. In the evening there is time to romp in the playground, swim in the Roman swimming pool or make a strole around the park . 

Villa Rijswijk met het Archeologiehuis Zuid-Holland

The Roman villa Rijswijk is located just in front of the entrance of Archeon. The South Holland Archeology House and the Roman Museum are located in this villa. The museum uniquely shows visitors an overview of the rich history of the province of South Holland through a wide range of archaeological finds, new media and activity tables. Prehistory (from Mesolithic 8000 BC), the Roman period (from 12 BC to 406 AD) and the Middle Ages (406 AD to 1500 AD) are thus presented in a special way. to live.