Archeon 30 years!

Communing with nature We are in the hunter-gatherer camp. It is the middle stone age, the period from 8800-5300 BC. These people live off hunting, fishing and collecting tree bark, roots, leaves, nuts and fruits. They use spears and traps in order to catch fish. The hunter-gatherers roam past several basic camps in different types of landscapes. They stay in the most favourable location depending on the season. The hunter-gatherer camp that you can find in Archeon is based on a reconstruction of a camp located in Bergumermeer, Friesland. Skinning a fox A young couple is skilfully skinning a fox. He was killed for his beautiful warm fur, but of course the other parts of the animal are utilized as well. Everything is recycled. The meat of the fox can be used to make a delicious hot dog; the tendons and intestines serve as sewing thread. The bone can be converted in fishing hooks or arrowheads. The teeth can be used to make beautiful ornaments. The tools that are at the deposal of the flayers consist of sharp blades made of extremely hard flint. The Middle Stone Age 8800 - 5300 before Christ The Mesolithic Period