Archeon 30 years!

The real work is about to begin The populace started to settle in farms in the new stone age, which is the period between 5300-2000 BC. They desire to cultivate the soil around it and they long for a bountiful harvest. A successful harvest requires hard work. Everything that is produced by their farms is prepared and preserved in earthenware pots that are beautifully decorated. The first farmers live on the loess soils of Limburg. Their crops grow well there. They mainly grow legumes and cereals. The cereal grains must be grinded after harvest between grindstones. They use the flour to make porridge or bread. But ... not everything that is produced from the land is used as food! A piece of land is dedicated to growing flax yarns. The people use this to create linen fabrics. This is a nice addition for their wardrobe; at first, they only had clothes made from leather and fur. The Neolithic Period New Stone Age 5300 - 2000 before Christ